
I haven’t been blogging for a while. I’ve been using Instagram instead. The words haven’t been coming for full blog posts about sewing.

Yesterday one of the girls at the shop reminded me that I have followers. Sorry gang.

I’m a really slow sewist and it’s really been getting me down. Trying to dedicate between 30 minutes and an hour every day to just DO SOMETHING towards finishing projects….

Just looking at all the dreams I had for all my aging stash Fabrics. Maybe it’s time to just sew them all into Jammie pants for the world.

Jammie pants and quilts.

I guess I’m having a sad time in sewing land right now.

I’ll need to sew for 16 more years

I attempted to count my Fabrics recently. I got up to 107. I only counted one shelf of 2, and none of the Rubbermaid tubs or milk crates or cardboard boxes.

So let’s just round that right up to 200. But I have plans for it all!!!

So. A good plan would be to try to use up 1 entire piece of fabric every month. I think I could do that.

It would take me 16.7 years to sew up everything in my basement.

Why did I even do this math? This was not encouraging! I love all these fabrics! I love my fabric corner! It is a land of dreams!

This is good math to consider when people ask me to sew for them. “Actually, right now, I have 16.7 years of projects already planned, but I can add you to the list, if you like?”

That makes me laugh a little…. 😊

Happy sewing.

Reusable produce bags #1

Don’t like it. Not one bit. The bias tape makes it too heavy. I mean, with fruits and veggies you are paying by weight. I winged it. I’m not good at that.

Anyone know of a free pattern for these babies?

Stay tuned for attempt # 2!

This super strong mesh is from Marshall Fabrics. It can for sure handle the weight of fruits and veggies…..

The mesh is not from my stash. It . Bias tape and cord from my stash . Mesh cost me 5 bucks for a wee little bit. Client is paying 5 dollars a bag. Win!

2 years later….

Finally finished. No one likes it. I might sell it.

Mostly fat quarters gifted to me from my neighbor. Some fabrics from my stash. I bought the handkerchief quilting cotton to pull it all together. I also bought the bias tape for the trim because I didn’t have enough, red, white, or blue at home to do the whole thing. Finished, washed and dried, measures 104″ x 82″

I hope it sells. Maybe I will lock it away for Scouts Auction in the fall.

May 21 2018

Ho Hum. Reduce Reuse Recycle.


No one likes mending….not anyone that I know of anyways. However, the reality is that skilled trades people spend a lot of time, and quality work, in MENDS. Most builds aren’t new builds….

Doing mending should not be something that makes me roll my eyes and make a gagging sound.

Today I am mending the inside of a high quality sleeping bag. It will take time, as one side is overstretched along the tear. I will line it up, starting in the middle, and pin it along the 24 inch tear. Then a straight stitch with a very tiny needle should work on this lining fabric….

Still, boring. Like washing pee off toilet areas or doing dishes. But still an important job!

Suddenly its Summer, or, See You in September

Meanwhile in Canada, its gone from -27’C to +27’C.

3 boys asking to wear shorts everyday.


I’ve been sewing you all pants, all year, and now you are asking for SHORTS?!?

I have a huge pile of pants with the knees blown out… (Did I mention 3 boys?)

I won’t blog about hemming pants into shorts, but that’s what I will be doing for a while now….

My in laws arrive from the other side of Canada on June 12.

I won’t sew while they are here for a month…

And, I won’t sew over July and August, while all 4 kids, and hubby are off, and  home for the summer months.

I will try to throw up an occasional photo over the hot days….

Take Care of You, and Keep on Sewing ON!

Tough stuff

That’s me, with a piece of polka dot fabric on me head. My friend is laughing at my frustration over this quilt…and life in general I suppose.

This is what happens when I drink and craft. I get into the sauce, I get saucy.

Hoping to actually finish this crazy quilt today. It’s for my 11 year old, and he doesn’t “like” it.

This is why I think sewing fairly for all my children is dumb. Not all of them “like” homemade mommy style things!

So what should I do with this thing I spent over a year working on, on and off!?!?

Kwik Sew 3983 s4 view C

These went together like a house on fire! It’s been a really really long time since I finished a project IN ONE DAY! I cut them out, and made them! No pockets. Very basic leggings pattern. One piece, front and back leg together. Sew crotch seam, sew inseam, fold over elastic casing waistband.

She LOVES them! Mom, can I wear these forever? They are so cozy! Next up, an orange pair, and a teal pair.

This fabric is 100% cotton interlock from The Plains People of Turtle Island. It is absolutely gorgeous fabric. It rolls a bit once it’s preshrunk, but not so much that my cut pattern pieces rolled. The weave is incredibly fine. Next time I will consider even a tinier sewing machine needle point.

This fabric is from my basement, but it was not free to me. I bought it, fair and square, and it wasn’t a cheapy one, but these interlocks are 90″ wide! Worth every penny.

Now I’m curious to see how the fabric holds up after countless wearing and washings.

From the remaining fabric, should I sew her a shirt, or a second pair of these leggings?